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Spring Sports OFFERED
Teeball (Coed) (4-6):
Meant for players 4-6 years old. Very limited rules to teach the basics of the game. (Must already be 4 at the time of signups)
Players take turns hitting from a tee
Continuous Roster batting and then switch sides
3-4 innings or 1 hour time limit
Cal Ripken Rookies Baseball (7-8)
Meant for players in 7-8 years old. Rules become more competitive
Coach Pitches ball to a catcher
5 pitches to put into play
3 outs and switch Offense/Defense
Base Running with Tagging Up
4 runs/inning MAX
6 Innings of Play
Players can Bunt
60 ft bases
Cal Ripken Minors Baseball (9-10)
Meant for players in 9-10 years old. Rules become even more competitive
Player pitches ball to a catcher
3 outs and switch Offense/Defense
Base Running with Tagging Up; no primary leads
Players can Bunt
Players can steal bases
4 runs/inning MAX
60 ft bases
6 Innings of Play or 2 hours time limit
Cal Ripken Majors Baseball (11-12)
Meant for players in 9-10 years old. Rules become even more competitive
Player pitches ball to a catcher
3 outs and switch Offense/Defense
Base Running with Tagging Up; players can get primary leads
Players can Bunt
Players can steal bases
Pitchers can pick off
70 ft bases.
6 Innings of Play; no time limit
8U Softball (7-8)
Meant for players in 7-8 years old. Rules become more competitive
Coach Pitches ball to a catcher
11in Softballs
5 pitches to put into play
3 outs and switch Offense/Defense
Base Running with Tagging Up
4 runs/inning MAX
6 Innings of Play;
1.5 hour time limit
Players can Bunt
60 ft bases
10U Softball (9-10)
Meant for players in 9-10 years old. Rules become even more competitive
Player pitches ball to a catcher
11in Softballs
3 outs and switch Offense/Defense
Base Running with Tagging Up
Players can Bunt
Players can steal bases (with special rules)
60 ft bases
6 Innings of Play or 1.5 hours time limit
13U Softball (11-13)
Meant for players in 11-13 years old. Rules become even more competitive
Player pitches ball to a catcher
3 outs and switch Offense/Defense
Base Running with Tagging Up
Players can Bunt
Players can steal bases
60 ft bases.
6 Innings of Play